画像切り替えcanvas版 switcher スイッチャー swiper スワイパー



画像切り替えcanvas版 switcher スイッチャー swiper スワイパー


Animation first と Animation second の混合になります。まずは Animation first で基本の動作を決めて、Animation second で掛け合わせる動作を決めます。

Animation first Animation second


Animation first -- 1:アニメ無し 2:左から右 3:左上から右下 4:モザイク 5:中央カーテン 6:菱形 7:楕円
Animation second -- 1:アニメ無し 2:上から下 3:左から右

 * 画像切り替え canvas版
 * @author ao-system, Inc.
 * @date 2024-01-08
 * @date 2024-01-17 Rewrite the code using the class syntax.

<section class="switchpanel">
		<div id="switchPanelStage"></div>

section.switchpanel {
	background-color: #eee;
	> div {
		max-width: 1920px;
		margin: 0 auto;
		overflow: hidden;
		> #switchPanelStage {
			user-select: none;
			display: grid;
			grid-template-rows: 1fr;
			grid-template-columns: 1fr;
			> canvas {
				z-index: 0;
				grid-row: 1/2;
				grid-column: 1/2;
				width: 100%;
			> div {
				z-index: 1;
				grid-row: 1/2;
				grid-column: 1/2;
				justify-self: flex-end;
				align-self: end;
				display: flex;
				justify-content: center;
				align-items: center;
				column-gap: 5px;
				padding: 0 20px 20px 0;
				@media (width < 670px) {
					column-gap: 3px;
					padding: 0 3px 3px 0;
					> span {
						> img {
							width: 16px;
				> span {
					cursor: pointer;
					> img:nth-of-type(1) {
						display: block;
					> img:nth-of-type(2) {
						display: none;
					&.on {
						> img:nth-of-type(1) {
							display: none;
						> img:nth-of-type(2) {
							display: block;


(() => {
	'use strict';
	class SwitchImage {
		#constProperties = [
			{prop: 'stage',					value: document.getElementById('switchPanelStage')},
			{prop: 'canvas',				value: document.createElement('canvas')},
			{prop: 'layerBall',				value: document.createElement('div')},
			{prop: 'markPause',				value: './image/panel_pause.svg'},
			{prop: 'markPlay',				value: './image/panel_play.svg'},
			{prop: 'markNavOn',				value: './image/panel_ball_on.svg'},
			{prop: 'markNavOff',			value: './image/panel_ball_off.svg'},
			{prop: 'buttonPause',			value: document.createElement('span')},
			{prop: 'buttonPlay',			value: document.createElement('span')},
			{prop: 'imageChangeInterval',	value: 5000},	//画像と画像の切り替え間隔
			{prop: 'swipeShreshold',		value: 50},		//スワイプ判定幅
		#ctx					= null;		//canvas context
		#loopTimeoutId			= null;		//自動動作のタイマー
		#isBusy					= false;	//false|true
		#pausePlayFlag			= true;		//falseで停止
		#valueIndex				= 0;		//this.#valuesの添え字
		#lastIsLarge			= null;		//null|true|false
		#animationArray			= [];		//描画のbuffer
		#swipeStartX			= 0;		//スワイプ開始位置
		#isSwiping				= false;	//スワイプ中 true|false
		#config					= {};
		#values					= [];
		animationFirstNumber	= 7;	//1|2|3|4|5|6|7
		animationSecondNumber	= 2;	//1|2|3
		constructor(config, values) {
			this.#config = config;
			this.#values = values;
			this.#constProperties.forEach((obj) => Object.defineProperty(this, obj.prop, {value:obj.value, writable:false}));
			this.#ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
		#init() {
			//this.#values = shuffle(this.#values);	//シャッフルさせる場合
		#shuffle(array) {
			for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
				const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
				[array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
			return array;
		#initBall() {
			this.#values.map((x,index) => {
				const span = document.createElement('span');
				span.addEventListener('click',() => {this.#slideNumber(index);});
				span.innerHTML = '<img src="' + this.markNavOff + '"><img src="' + this.markNavOn + '">';
			const pauseImg = new Image();
			pauseImg.src = this.markPause;
			const playImg = new Image();
			playImg.src = this.markPlay;
			this.buttonPlay.style.display = 'none';
			this.buttonPause.addEventListener('click',() => this.#setPause());
			this.buttonPlay.addEventListener('click',() => this.#setPlay());
		#initSwipe() {
			this.canvas.addEventListener('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault();});
			this.canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => { this.#swipeStart(e.clientX); });
			this.canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', (e) => { this.#swipeEnd(e.clientX); });
			this.canvas.addEventListener('touchstart', (e) => { this.#swipeStart(e.touches[0].clientX); });
			this.canvas.addEventListener('touchend', (e) => { this.#swipeEnd(e.changedTouches[0].clientX); });
		#swipeStart(positionX) {
			if (this.#isBusy) {
			this.#swipeStartX = positionX;
			this.canvas.style.cursor = 'grabbing';
			this.#isSwiping = true;
		#swipeEnd(positionX) {
			if (this.#isSwiping == false) {
			if (this.#swipeStartX - positionX > this.swipeShreshold) {
				this.#slideNumber(this.#withinRange(this.#valueIndex + 1));
			} else if (this.#swipeStartX - positionX < -this.swipeShreshold) {
				this.#slideNumber(this.#withinRange(this.#valueIndex - 1));
			} else {
				if (this.#values[this.#valueIndex].link) {
					if (this.#values[this.#valueIndex].external) {
						window.open(this.#values[this.#valueIndex].link, '_blank');
					} else {
						window.location.href = this.#values[this.#valueIndex].link;
			this.canvas.style.cursor = '';
			this.#isSwiping = false;
		#setCanvasSize() {
			const isLarge = this.#getIsLarge();
			if (this.#lastIsLarge != isLarge) {
				this.canvas.width = isLarge ? this.#config.width1 : this.#config.width2;
				this.canvas.height = isLarge ? this.#config.height1 : this.#config.height2;
				this.#lastIsLarge = isLarge;
		#getIsLarge() {
			return window.matchMedia('(width >= ' + this.#config.breakpoint + 'px)').matches;
		#setImage() {
			const img = new Image();
			img.addEventListener('load',() => this.#imageAnimation(img));
			img.src = this.#getIsLarge() ? this.#values[this.#valueIndex].image1 : this.#values[this.#valueIndex].image2;
		#setBall() {
			const spans = this.layerBall.querySelectorAll('span');
			spans.forEach((elm) => elm.classList.remove('on'));
		#setPause() {
			this.#pausePlayFlag = false;
			this.buttonPause.style.display = 'none';
			this.buttonPlay.style.display = 'block';
		#setPlay() {
			this.#pausePlayFlag = true;
			this.buttonPause.style.display = 'block';
			this.buttonPlay.style.display = 'none';
		#autoSlide() {
			this.#loopTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
		#slideAction() {
			if (this.#pausePlayFlag) {
				this.#valueIndex = this.#withinRange(this.#valueIndex + 1);
		#slideNumber(num) {
			if (this.#isBusy) {
			this.#valueIndex = num;
		#withinRange(nextNumber) {
			let num = nextNumber;
			if (num < 0) {
				num = this.#values.length - 1;
			return num % this.#values.length;


		#imageAnimation(img) {
			this.#animationArray = [];
			if (this.animationFirstNumber == 1) {
			} else if (this.animationFirstNumber == 2) {
			} else if (this.animationFirstNumber == 3) {
			} else if (this.animationFirstNumber == 4) {
			} else if (this.animationFirstNumber == 5) {
			} else if (this.animationFirstNumber == 6) {
			} else if (this.animationFirstNumber == 7) {
		#ctxDrawImage(img) {
			this.#animationArray.sort((a,b) => {
				return a.delay - b.delay;
			let ary = [];
			let lastDelay = -1;
			for (let i = 0; i < this.#animationArray.length; i++) {
				if (lastDelay != this.#animationArray[i].delay) {
					if (ary.length > 0) {
						const clonedAry = [...ary];
						setTimeout(() => {
							clonedAry.forEach((obj) => {
								this.#ctx.drawImage(img, obj.srcX, obj.srcY, obj.srcW, obj.srcH, obj.dstX, obj.dstY, obj.dstW, obj.dstH);
					lastDelay = this.#animationArray[i].delay;
					ary = [];
			if (ary.length > 0) {
				setTimeout(() => {
					ary.forEach((obj) => {
						this.#ctx.drawImage(img, obj.srcX, obj.srcY, obj.srcW, obj.srcH, obj.dstX, obj.dstY, obj.dstW, obj.dstH);


		//first animation | no animation
		#imageAnimationFirst01(img) {
			const delay = 0;
			this.#imageAnimationSecond(delay, img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height, 0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
		//first animation | left to right
		#imageAnimationFirst02(img) {
			const divX = 20;
			const delayRatio = 25;
			const srcW = img.width / divX;
			const srcH = img.height;
			const dstW = this.canvas.width / divX;
			const dstH = this.canvas.height;
			const srcY = 0;
			const dstY = 0;
			for (let x = 0; x < divX; x++) {
				const srcX = srcW * x;
				const dstX = dstW * x;
				const delay = delayRatio * x;
				this.#imageAnimationSecond(delay, img, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH);
		//first animation | left top to right bottom
		#imageAnimationFirst03(img) {
			const divX = 10;
			const divY = 10;
			const delayRatio = 10;
			const srcW = img.width / divX;
			const srcH = img.height / divY;
			const dstW = this.canvas.width / divX;
			const dstH = this.canvas.height / divY;
			for (let y = 0; y < divY; y++) {
				for (let x = 0; x < divX; x++) {
					const srcX = srcW * x;
					const srcY = srcH * y;
					const dstX = dstW * x;
					const dstY = dstH * y;
					const delay = delayRatio * y * x;
					this.#imageAnimationSecond(delay, img, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH);
		//first animation | mosaic
		#imageAnimationFirst04(img) {
			const divX = 40;
			const divY = 40;
			const delayRatio = 0.4;
			const originalArray = Array.from({length: divX * divY}, (_, index) => index);
			const shuffledArray = this.#shuffle(originalArray);
			const srcW = img.width / divX;
			const srcH = img.height / divY;
			const dstW = this.canvas.width / divX;
			const dstH = this.canvas.height / divY;
			let c = 0;
			for (let y = 0; y < divY; y++) {
				for (let x = 0; x < divX; x++) {
					const srcX = srcW * x;
					const srcY = srcH * y;
					const dstX = dstW * x;
					const dstY = dstH * y;
					const delay = delayRatio * shuffledArray[c];
					this.#imageAnimationSecond(delay, img, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH);
					c += 1;
		//first animation | center curtain
		#imageAnimationFirst05(img) {
			const divX = 40;
			const divY = 40;
			const delayRatio = 1;
			const srcW = img.width / divX;
			const srcH = img.height / divY;
			const dstW = this.canvas.width / divX;
			const dstH = this.canvas.height / divY;
			for (let y = 0; y < divY; y++) {
				for (let x = 0; x < divX; x++) {
					const srcX = srcW * x;
					const srcY = srcH * y;
					const dstX = dstW * x;
					const dstY = dstH * y;
					const delay = delayRatio * (Math.abs(y - (divY / 2)) * Math.abs(x - (divX / 2)));
					this.#imageAnimationSecond(delay, img, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH);
		//first animation | center rhombus
		#imageAnimationFirst06(img) {
			const divX = 40;
			const divY = 40;
			const delayRatio = 15;
			const srcW = img.width / divX;
			const srcH = img.height / divY;
			const dstW = this.canvas.width / divX;
			const dstH = this.canvas.height / divY;
			for (let y = 0; y < divY; y++) {
				for (let x = 0; x < divX; x++) {
					const srcX = srcW * x;
					const srcY = srcH * y;
					const dstX = dstW * x;
					const dstY = dstH * y;
					const delay = delayRatio * (Math.abs(y - (divY / 2)) + Math.abs(x - (divX / 2)));
					this.#imageAnimationSecond(delay, img, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH);
		//first animation | center ellipse
		#imageAnimationFirst07(img) {
			const divX = 20;
			const divY = 20;
			const delayRatio = 50;
			const srcW = img.width / divX;
			const srcH = img.height / divY;
			const dstW = this.canvas.width / divX;
			const dstH = this.canvas.height / divY;
			for (let y = 0; y < divY; y++) {
				for (let x = 0; x < divX; x++) {
					const srcX = srcW * x;
					const srcY = srcH * y;
					const dstX = dstW * x;
					const dstY = dstH * y;
					const delay = delayRatio * Math.sqrt(Math.abs(y - (divY / 2)) ** 2 + Math.abs(x - (divX / 2)) ** 2);
					this.#imageAnimationSecond(delay, img, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH);


		//second animation
		#imageAnimationSecond(delay, img, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH) {
			if (this.animationSecondNumber == 1) {
				this.#imageAnimationSecond01(delay, img, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH);
			} else if (this.animationSecondNumber == 2) {
				this.#imageAnimationSecond02(delay, img, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH);
			} else if (this.animationSecondNumber == 3) {
				this.#imageAnimationSecond03(delay, img, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH);
		//second animation | no animation
		#imageAnimationSecond01(delay, img, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH) {
			const delay2 = delay;
			this.#imageAnimationPush(delay2, img, srcX, srcY, srcW + 1, srcH + 1, dstX, dstY, dstW + 1, dstH + 1);
		//second animation | top to bottom
		#imageAnimationSecond02(delay, img, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH) {
			const divY = 6;
			const delayRatio = 60;
			const srcH2 = srcH / divY;
			const dstH2 = dstH / divY;
			for (let y = 0; y < divY; y++) {
				const srcY2 = srcY + (srcH2 * y);
				const dstY2 = dstY + (dstH2 * y);
				const delay2 = delay + (delayRatio * y);
				this.#imageAnimationPush(delay2, img, srcX, srcY2, srcW + 1, srcH2 + 1, dstX, dstY2, dstW + 1, dstH2 + 1);
		//second animation | left to right
		#imageAnimationSecond03(delay, img, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH) {
			const divX = 6;
			const delayRatio = 60;
			const srcW2 = srcW / divX;
			const dstW2 = dstW / divX;
			for (let x = 0; x < divX; x++) {
				const srcX2 = srcX + (srcW2 * x);
				const dstX2 = dstX + (dstW2 * x);
				const delay2 = delay + (delayRatio * x);
				this.#imageAnimationPush(delay2, img, srcX2, srcY, srcW2 + 1, srcH + 1, dstX2, dstY, dstW2 + 1, dstH + 1);


		#imageAnimationPush(delay2, img, srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH) {
			const delay3 = parseInt(delay2);
				'delay': delay3,
				//'img': img,
				'srcX': srcX,
				'srcY': srcY,
				'srcW': srcW,
				'srcH': srcH,
				'dstX': dstX,
				'dstY': dstY,
				'dstW': dstW,
				'dstH': dstH,
	const switchImage = new SwitchImage(
			'breakpoint': 700,
			'width1': 1920,
			'height1': 700,
			'width2': 700,
			'height2': 1000,
				'link': '',
				'external': false,
				'image1': './image/panel01.webp',
				'image2': './image/panel01b.webp',
				'link': '',
				'external': false,
				'image1': './image/panel02.webp',
				'image2': './image/panel02b.webp',
				'link': '',
				'external': false,
				'image1': './image/panel03.webp',
				'image2': './image/panel03b.webp',
				'link': '',
				'external': false,
				'image1': './image/panel04.webp',
				'image2': './image/panel04b.webp',
				'link': '',
				'external': false,
				'image1': './image/panel05.webp',
				'image2': './image/panel05b.webp',
				'link': '',
				'external': false,
				'image1': './image/panel06.webp',
				'image2': './image/panel06b.webp',

	document.getElementById('animationFirst').addEventListener('input',(e) => {
		const val = e.target.value;
		switchImage.animationFirstNumber = val;
		document.getElementById('animationFirstValue').innerHTML = val;
	document.getElementById('animationFirstValue').innerHTML = document.getElementById('animationFirst').value;
	document.getElementById('animationSecond').addEventListener('input',(e) => {
		const val = e.target.value;
		switchImage.animationSecondNumber = val;
		document.getElementById('animationSecondValue').innerHTML = val;
	document.getElementById('animationSecondValue').innerHTML = document.getElementById('animationSecond').value;

・Google Chrome 120
・Microsoft Edge 120
・Mozilla Firefox 122.0b6
・Apple Safari 17.1.2