Dim instance As TextLabel 'Overloads instance.Show()
Dim instance As TextLabel Dim str As String '表示する文字列 'Overloads instance.Show(str)
Dim instance As TextLabel Dim x As Integer 'スクリーン座標X値 Dim y As Integer 'スクリーン座標Y値 Dim str As String '表示する文字列 'Overloads instance.Show(x, y, str)
Dim instance As TextLabel Dim x As Integer 'スクリーン座標X値 Dim y As Integer 'スクリーン座標Y値 Dim str As String '表示する文字列 Dim bc As System.Drawing.Color '背景色 'Overloads instance.Show(x, y, str, bc)
Dim instance As TextLabel Dim x As Integer 'スクリーン座標X値 Dim y As Integer 'スクリーン座標Y値 Dim str As String '表示する文字列 Dim bc As System.Drawing.Color '背景色 Dim fc As System.Drawing.Color '前景色(文字色) 'Overloads instance.Show(x, y, str, bc, fc)
Dim instance As TextLabel Dim str As String '表示する文字列 Dim bc As System.Drawing.Color '背景色 'Overloads instance.Show(str, bc)
Dim instance As TextLabel Dim str As String '表示する文字列 Dim bc As System.Drawing.Color '背景色 Dim fc As System.Drawing.Color '前景色(文字色) 'Overloads instance.Show(str, bc, fc)
Dim instance As TextLabel Dim bc As System.Drawing.Color '背景色 'Overloads instance.Show(bc)
Dim instance As TextLabel Dim bc As System.Drawing.Color '背景色 Dim fc As System.Drawing.Color '前景色(文字色) 'Overloads instance.Show(bc, fc)
Dim instance As TextLabel Dim p As System.Drawing.Point 'スクリーン座標Point値 Dim str As String '表示する文字列 'Overloads instance.Show(p, str)
Dim instance As TextLabel Dim p As System.Drawing.Point 'スクリーン座標Point値 Dim str As String '表示する文字列 Dim bc As System.Drawing.Color '背景色 'Overloads instance.Show(p, str, bc)
Dim instance As TextLabel Dim p As System.Drawing.Point 'スクリーン座標Point値 Dim str As String '表示する文字列 Dim bc As System.Drawing.Color '背景色 Dim fc As System.Drawing.Color '前景色(文字色) 'Overloads instance.Show(p, str, bc, fc)
'TextLabelクラス Showメソッド Imports System.Drawing Public Class AddIn Private std As Std Private stdf As StdFunc Private tl As TextLabel Public Sub New() std = New Std() stdf = New StdFunc() tl = New TextLabel(std.Owner) End Sub Public Sub AddIn_Start() tl.Padding = New System.Windows.Forms.Padding(5, 10, 20, 30) '左 上 右 下 tl.Show(300, 100, "このラベル(フォーム)は移動できます", Color.Red, Color.White) For i As Integer = 0 To 5 Step 1 stdf.WaitMilliSec(500) tl.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue stdf.WaitMilliSec(500) tl.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red Next End Sub Public Sub AddIn_Stop() tl.Hide() End Sub End Class
'TextLabelクラス Showメソッド Imports System.Drawing Public Class AddIn Private std As Std Private stdf As StdFunc Private tl As TextLabel Public Sub New() std = New Std() stdf = New StdFunc() tl = New TextLabel(std.Owner) End Sub Public Sub AddIn_Start() tl = New TextLabel(std.Owner) tl.Padding = New System.Windows.Forms.Padding(5, 10, 20, 30) '左 上 右 下 tl.Show(300, 100, "このラベル(フォーム)は移動できます", Color.Red, Color.White) For i As Integer = 0 To 5 Step 1 stdf.WaitMilliSec(500) If std.StopFlag Then Exit For tl.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue stdf.WaitMilliSec(500) If std.StopFlag Then Exit For tl.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red Next End Sub Public Sub AddIn_Stop() 'この時点でStd.StopFlagはTrueにセットされています。 'Disposeを行なった後にインスタンスにアクセスしない様 'Std.StopFlagを見て適切に処理を抜ける必要があります tl.Dispose() End Sub End Class
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